Upsr English questions

In this article I am sharing a important questions for upsr English exams which will helpful your upcoming upsr exams. Read below some common questions based on multiple choice answer ( mcq) –

1. He is honest _______ man

A. An

B. A

C. The

D. None of these

Answer.  A

2. She has been playing ____ morning

A. That

B. From

C. Since

D. None of these

Answer.  C

3. Either you or she ______ this

A. Have done

B. Has done

C. Would have done

D. None of these

Answer.  B

4. I am disgusted ______ their habits

A. For

B. With

C. Of

D. none of these

Answer.  B

5.that rule is applicable ______ everyone

A. for

B. from

C. To

D. None of these

Answer. C

• one word substitution

1. One who deals in flowers

A. Florist

B. Anthology

C. Sculptor

D. None of these

Answer.  A

2. a place for clothes

A. Cloak room

B. Wardrobe

C. Mint

D. None of these

Answer.  B

3. A place where birds are kept

A. Nursery

B. Aviary

C. Extempore

D. None of these

Answer.  B

• Find out the word which is spelt correctly,  choose which one is correctly written

1 .( A) Apple ( B). Aappal  ( C ) . Appal

Answer.  Correct option is ( A ) Apple

2. ( A ) Garl  ( B ). Girl  ( C ) . Giarl

Answer.  Correct option is ( B ) Girl

3. ( A) Collage ( B ) . Colege ( C ) . College

Answer.  Correct option is ( C ) College

4.  ( A) . Cantri  ( B ) Country  ( C ) cantry

Answer.  Correct option is ( B ) Country

5. ( A ) Magic (  B ) Megic  ( C ) Mejic

Answer.  Correct option is ( A ) Magic

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